The Sponsored Parent (Temporary) visa parents of migrants in Australia to visit their families on a temporary basis for up to five years with a further renewable period of up to five years.
This new visa subclass will allow visa holders to live temporarily in Australia for three years or five years without needing to depart Australia.
This is a capped visa and only up to 15,000 Sponsored Parent (Temporary) visas will be granted each program year (from 1 July to 30 June).
Eligibility for the Temporary Sponsored Parent Visa
In order to apply for this visa the Sponsor must:
- Be a child of the applicant (biological, adoptive or stepchild) who holds Australian citizenship or permanent residency (or is an eligible New Zealand citizen).
- Be 18 years of age.
- Have met any prior sponsorship obligations and have no adverse information or debts to the commonwealth.
- Have a minimum household income threshold (based on the income of the sponsor, or the combined income of the sponsor and their spouse/partner and/or another child of the parent) of AUD83,454 per annum.
- Provide police clearances for any country they have spent more than 12 months cumulatively in during the past 10 years.
- Provide financial support and accommodation for their parents.
- Pay any outstanding public health debts incurred by their parent in Australia.
Sponsored Parent (Temporary) visa applicants must:
- Be sponsored by a person who is an approved parent sponsor
- Be at least 18 years of age
- Be outside Australia (unless invited in writing to apply by the Department), for at least 90 days if the applicant holds or has previously held a Sponsored Parent (Temporary) visa
- Not have engaged in payment for visas conduct
- Provide evidence of access to funds
- Provide evidence of health insurance
- Not have an outstanding public health debt (unless appropriate arrangements have been made to repay the debt)
- Satisfy health, character, and national security requirements.
Unlike permanent Parent visas, there is no Balance of Family Test requirement for this visa, meaning a visa applicant is not required to have more than half of their children residing in Australia.
The visa application charge is:
- $5,000 for a visa of up to three years’ duration; or
- $10,000 for a visa of up to five years’ duration.
- The visa application charge is payable in two instalments, with one payment at time of application and the remainder paid prior to visa grant.
Visa holders will generally be subject to a “no work” condition.
Our Immigration Lawyers can advise you on demonstrating to the Department of Home Affairs that you meet the eligibility criteria. Please contact us today for further information and advice.
If you have received a visa refusal, then the solicitors at Summit Migration may be able to assist. Find out more about appeals for visa refusals here. Alternatively, you may be eligible for Ministerial Intervention.
Summit Migration provides free 15-minute, no-obligation phone consultation. Claim your free telephone consultation today. Call us on (07) 31777609 to speak to a Registered Migration Agent about your matter.